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What would you be able to accomplish if you were in a constant state of post-nut clarity?


| cum

| sex

| Have more sex

| nothing

| I guess I would just kill myself.

| >>938483

| >>938483 same

| right after cumming is when i feel the worst, so even less than normal ig

| something, at least.

| the pastabilities are endless

| i bet the guy who invented pasta water was in a constant state of post-nut clarity.

| I don't get that, so the same as normal ig

| >>938483 i'd never PASTA'd way

| >>938529 >>938553
oh to be touched by His Noodly Appendage...

| How do I find sex???

| >>938627 LMAO ??

| I have post-nut sleepiness, so I guess I'll sleep

| >>938768 I also have post-nut sleepiness. We could cuddle and fall asleep together. (////)

| >>938794

| >>938794
im in

| ඞ

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1674312518

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