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Secret cooking hacks

| milk makes a good heavy cream substitute on carbonara

| *milks aggressively*

| Cool

| more hacks pls op im learning to cook

| >>32e028
I actually am a begineer as well.
I love making omlet, youtube would be a better teach than me.

| long pork is am acceptable substitute for regular pork or any white meat based dish.

| Use the pasta water for the main dish if the recipe requires additional water. This is a secret resturant tip for adding more flavour to the dish.

| semen in the béchamel

| Try sex

| >>937783

| When the recipe says to separate the eggs, DO NOT put one egg in one container, and the second egg in a separate container. That is not what separating eggs means. It means something more sinister I have yet to figure out.

| reheat pasta with pasta water so it doesn't become dry and clumpy

| >>937981
You're supposed to refridgerate the pasta water too??? That doesn't sound right to me.

| nvm I'm sleep deprived and read that wrong

| *refrigerates your pasta*
*microwaves your tomatoes*
*stirs about 2 tbsp of chopped baking chocolate into your ramen*
*hands you a clam chowder ice cream*

| enjoy sleepytime chicken

| If you cook with oil, add some of your spices to it while it heats before adding other things. Some flavors come out better this way, and it should help the flavors spread through the dish. Also helps when making broths.

| And whenever anything needs additional water when cooking, consider using stock, tea, coffee, or alcohol instead.

| >>938048 I remember hearing a similar tip with pasta sauce. Put some oil in the saucepan, sautee some onions and garlic (iirc bell peppers are part of this too, but don't remember if they go in before or after the other veggies), then add the tomato sauce/puree/whatever

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1673721895

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