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Can you proactively fix your traumas?

| .

| "Proactively" as in before you get traumatised? I'm not sure I understand what you're asking.

| I think that sort of thing necessitates having someone to help. To dictate the pace of what is too much or too little and whether what you are doing is working.

Trying something is better than nothing though, just make sure you have some external way of checking it

| yes

| I don't know about proactively but I'm sure that you can erase trauma by substituting the memories. It takes training but it can be done alone.
Whenever a trauma memory comes up you force yourself to make another healtier random topic, while holding the side of the brain that outputs the trauma for making a sucessful change.
If you had a good mapping of your brain then you may just change yourself on a sitting.

| >>Cannot predict now

| >>937150
That is absolutely 100% not how trauma works. The more you try to suppress it the worse it gets.

| >>4b7af9 ye operant conditioning only works smaller habits. Trauma if repressed in content will show up in form. You'll just be one of those people that are toxically positive even if they're dieing of death.

| >>937245 >>937249 You know what, I think that you'd be also calling for physical traumas too which would make it useless to explain the way I do manage and define my control over traumas further more. Sorry for being in the way.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1673226564

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