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| I have maybe hallucinations, but it's here, right there!

| In the /a/!

| Oh noooo, my ads!!! How dare they do such a thing?! Hope advertisers will do their job even in this situation.

| Feels like there's a better solution, but definitely an improvement from just letting ads run wild.

| mine said flute mitzi zane!

| Captchan has made a return to the /a/ board for a bit. She missed /u/, so please treat her nice!!!

| >>935520 all old threads about captcha never talked nicely about captcha "^^

| >>935522 there were captchan defenders. Hopefully /u/ can see her caring defense of the board this time around. :3

| SEX!

| >>935529 not really

| Why tf is it back? The mods are pretty active here...
It's only active in certain places here.

| >>935600 for reasons stated by>>935510 . G/u/rls weren't pleased with the maid's response times, and captchan is the next best solution at this moment in time. Captchan is only active on /a/, so it shouldn't impact your overall /u/ experience.

| Captchan needs some fanart

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1672117961

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