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i was supposed to have died 12 years ago but have accidentally created new life instead

| she said she was on the pill, /u/

every fucking time with my life, i just barely was getting it together, too

| best take decides whether my christmas gift to myself is going to be taking my dodge onto the i60 and sliding my way into oncoming traffic

| you better not hit me or my family you fuck

| And you definitely arent on the pill

| >>935474 you got pranked xd

| It's not legal but you could feed her that abortion medication in a smoothie if you think she's trying to baby trap you. A fetus isn't technically conscious until a few weeks AFTER it's born, so you aren't killing anyone.

| >>935608 depends where, somewhere it's 12 weeks before born

| gg

| >>935608
Not sure if a joke but if you do this without telling her you're an asshole

| >>b3d7f5
congrats on the kid
don't fuck up traffic and kill somebody
I challenge you to do the hardest thing: marry her and raise the child to be a good and functional adult, together.

| You can be an abusive dad now, think positive gurl :)

| >>935474
>she said she was on the pill
remember, you did not consent to that.

| >>31bfae Or he can log out of life for having something life altering which he did not want forced upon him. Dummy

| got you wid the trap card

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1672177909

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