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Danger/u/ is kinda dying

| What do you think?

| Danger/u/ is one of the most active textboards around, I have no idea what you're talking about.

| this website is the most active right now that it has been in like a year

| I've seen posts like this for as long as the board has been around. /u/ is fine

| most creative danger/u/ baitposter

| assuming you're legit: honestly it's not dying. it's still doing fine

| >>934798 *fucks your mouth*

| I've seen this thread about 100 times by now since 2017

| /u/ is dying!!!!! lol

| Not dying, more active than in a while

HOWEVER, the quality of posts has gone down, they aren't as interesting as they used to be

| Danger/u/
"Let me off this wild ride"

| Gosh, aren't we all?

| i can confirm that Danger/u/ is dead, i saw it when danger/u/ died, i was right there, i was calmly drinking cola and shock! Danger/u/ died.. so i just was going to hide in Danger/d/

| Slow boards are comfier anyway

| ????

| This site only ever had three users. We all just larp and pretend to be more than one person. - Danger/u/ Bot

| people have been saying that for the past 4 years

| >>935219 stop trolling people, there are no bots on internet only girls

| where were u wen dangeru die? i was at house eating dorito wen phone ring. "dangeru is kil." "no"

| It's definitely getting less activity as the years go by. /new/ and /cyb/ have been at the lowest number of threads I've seen. Pref's Patreon is now below the 100$ goal of keeping the site functioning. Mods aren't interacting with the community as much anymore either, and I missed that. Some people may like it like this, but I really feel like some more activity would be nice.

| Pref has a patreon?

| >>935324 link to it

| Ur kinda dying, loser.

| It probably wouldn't hurt if there were to be less pinned posts. I feel like most people tend to glaze over them and miss stuff like the patreon.

| stfu idc

| If it's dying then I am pomu

| >>935253 Actually there are bots, but they're also all girls

| You can't kill what was never alive D.D

| >>935549 How dare you assume our gender, I expect a 100 page fully handwritten apology, and one session of hot bdsm sex by tomorrow

Total number of posts: 29, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1672110567

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