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I don’t want to be a tranny anymore

| , but I’m too much of an effeminate mentally ill loser to make it as a man. The constant feeling of shame and humiliation becomes too much to bear, which is ultimately why I trooned out to begin with.

| holy fuck this might be the cutest OP yet. can I kiss you?

| Kawaii desu.

| mwah

| Try sex

| >>934697 might be true

| If you haven't undergone surgery yet, you still have hope. Stay strong m8

| Then don't be

| This isn't the RP board

| god I need an ashamed self hating brain rotted trans girl who I can treat super gently and praise and reassure. and help her feel just a little better about herself, very slowly, year over year, until she looks in the mirror and feels good for the first time in her life. nothing would be sweeter than to help someone else get to that beautiful pure gender euphoria that I get so rarely. also maybe make her cum a lot

| uwu you can't escape! OmO

| >>934737 trust me, i'm pretty good in carrying people down, you don't want to xd

| Have you tried filling the void with a hobby or talent that you can refine? I dated two t-gurls and one of them was always editing music and doing DJ stuff. Seemed to help, when she wasn't picking fights and generally being miserable.

| Hey Op where you live? I would not mind hanging out with you. Maybe going to watch a movie and cuddling if you're cool with it. :3

| >>934696 what is your adress, im coming to beat you up, pussy

| Yeah i gonna beat your ass with my d

| Dipshit, you don't have to be a hulking lumberjack who drinks beer and burps and talks about cars and football to be a man. Being manly is standing up for your principles. Not rejecting reality and doing what needs to be done. I believe in you, you just need to get up when you fall. Merry fucking Christmas.

| >>935192 retard

| You need to get off /tttt/ and have some more self respect.

| bad bait

| >>b8d3c3
on god !!!!!

| >>49b209 that is actually very good advice

| Bazed

Total number of posts: 23, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1672054224

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