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Isn't it crazy

| After 3 years my youtube reccomendations is finally free from vtubers

Now it's only filled with cat memes, osaka clips, neko arc and steamed ham renaissance

Worth it

| Nyaa nyaa nyaa :3 neko arc is UWU meow meow meow. I wuv neko arc. *Nuzzles*

| >>934382 trust me, it won't last forever, Osaka and Nekos are closer each other to VTubers than you think

| >>934382 Isn't it the second time that meme came back?

| ...you know you can clear your account's algorithm preferences and settings, right?
or are you saying that you don't see Vtubers on your algorithm because you now see a Vtuber in the mirror?

| You can't run


| >>934382 Like just never watch vtuber so you don't fuck up your recommendation??

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1671667974

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