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help me find a site

| I found this site, probably from sushigirl, or from the post office, but I forgot to bookmark it. now it's out of my memory but I hope the site is still alive.

it's like a single player text adventure game but with images. each link is a room, and i think you have to solve mysteries or something.

i remember the first instance of it was that you have to shoot someone (or a zombie, can't remember)

| it gives you choices through links and it directs you to the results of your actions.

once you get pass that CYOA-esque scene, you are now in the website, which, if I recall the aesthetic, is like a tavern or a pub.

| I can't remember the full link, but I'm pretty sure the word "miskatonic" was on it, which makes me believe it has a bit of lovecraft in it.

the domain is also not ".com" iirc.
and each url is the name of which place you are at the moment.

like for example, the link of the pub site is something like "pub.miskatonic[something].[yz]"

I hope some of you have bookmarked this site. I can't find it T___T

| bump

| idk maybe this
looks dead though

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1671459251

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