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What's your favorite meal

| Mine is rice porridge I feel like I could eat it in my whole lifetime and not get tired

| I don't really have an answer, but I'm curious about what kinda rice porridge

| Rice, pasta, meat (mainly chicken, but i also love beef etc.), fishes.. is difficult to pick one.. But if i should have pick one dish, i would probably pick Fettuccine pollo from one restaurant. But recently i eated there like 4 years ago.. But i will wish to visit this place once my life will improve.. Probably for memories, and once i will leave i will wish to go outside after drinked Cola with citron (on edge of glass), and hope in better future~

| Spaget

| Cute OP

| Gotta love Orange Chicken n' Rice

| Monte Cristo sandwiches, mmm~

| chicken sandwiches are my life my blood and my air i could eat them forever

| Chicken cutlet and rice is the best

| >>934115
All of those things sound wonderful right now.

| Most wholesome thread and most wholesome OP, makes me tummy grumble hehe

| Spicy hot fries chips. From chester Cheetos hot fries and Andy's hot fries. As for favorite time for a meal, definitely got to be brunch.

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1671503296

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