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Sleep survey

| Do you have regular sleep? Or you sleep randomly? Are you usually staying awake in day or night? (if nothing forcing you)
Or is there some important what i can't ask better? Please tell ^^

| I have regular sleep.
I usually staying away in day.
I don't know.

| at night i sleep 6-7 hours, and usually spend the afternoon either napping or laying in bed on my phone. when i get stressed out, i usually go down to 4-5 hours, at which point i start falling asleep wherever i am when i sit or lay down. the best place around here to have a narcolepsy nap is in the research fields, but i'm always a little worried i'll get run over by a tractor lol

| who doesnt sleep normally?

| My sleep time drifting by 1 hour everyday without fail. Let say I sleep at 1am the day before, I'll only be able to sleep at atleast 2am the next day, repeat until I decided to stay up all day and wake up at 6am

| I skip sleep every so often and stay awake for 24 hours or so. I do it to work on things supposedly, but I always end up doing nothing. I do wonder how much longer til I suffer the health consequences

| >>933871
Yeah, I do that too. Sometimes I go two consecutive nights without sleep while working on a problem I want to crack. I know it's bad for your health but it's incredibly rewarding, especially when you're done cracking and your body knows it gets to sleep. There's this sensation that goes troughout your entire body while your mind feels like it's made out of heavy water and the sound effects from super mario bros coins.

| >>56b788 don't vibe with the desc but having that heavy feeling as you melt in to bed is fantastic. Actually wanting to sleep instead of a bizarre hostage negotiation with your body.

| I sleep early, usually in 9pm and I wake up early in 3 am

| I did some research and I sleep how the ancients did it. You go to bed when the sun goes down, wake up for an hour or two in the middle of the night, than go back and finish sleep.I thought it was a meme but it's been really nice

| >>933938 i shortly hoped that my sleep is normal and than.. rip xd

i usually wake up in afternoon.. usually in 15 or later.. and going to sleep in 6 am or later..

| Sleep at around 1-2 am and usually I wake up at around 6:30 am, only to sometimes sleep again from 8:00-10
Though varies between 4-7hr every couple of months, but 6:30 remains consistent
In High school It'd be the same time but I'd wake up at around 3-4am.

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1671243199

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