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The meaning of life

| is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.

| yep, so have fun with it while we are here

| But when i try to have fun, they tell me i have mental illnesses and they ban me on public places

| Sex

| >>933722 >is just to be alive.
You'll never understand the meaning of life and will be forever stuck into thinking with a "it just works" mindset like this.
>then what is it?
I'm here just to point out how much of a giving up view and arrogance your claim is. You seek no success in others. You've let every concept to weight you down into just being their dog.

It is "plain, oblivious and simple" that you cannot understand even the basics of what makes life.

| >>933774
someone will fuck your mouths

| >>933774
Seeth more lol

| >>933774
The meaning of life has always been to continue its process, no more and no less. That's the sole purpose of life's existence, and this purpose didn't change or disappear the moment humanity got around and gained sapience. This realization truly is so plain and so obvious and so simple.

| >>933774
Regarding the rest of your drivel you drummed up in your reply, I'll leave you with this:

You are obviously not a happy individual, everyone can see that considering you're wearing your misery on your sleeves. Even your most casual of actions emanates your lack of control of your well-being, and therefore your life. You radiate misery, because you are miserable and has given up on your own life and well-being.

| >>933774
It is in fact YOU who will never understand the meaning of life. It is YOU who will be forever stuck in a self-destructive mindset of ignorance, arrogance and forfeiture.

Seethe and cope, while the rest of us are having fun and having sex.

| >Regarding the rest of your drivel you drummed up in your reply, I'll leave you with this

>>933781 holy shit a Redditor stumbled upon Danger/u/.

| >>933793 wait are you trying to say that redditor found this place?! I really loved how this place was.. own~ Wait i will try deal with it!

>>933781 Dear Ms. Redditor, this place is as you said unhappy and your existence here make you negative karma.. This place is danger/u/, no one is safe here, and your karma will be sucked up by karma demon! I suggest you to leave before maids catch you and force you to delete shiposts in /new/! Or if 50k will beg you about 50k! Please leave

| >>a4a524 >>4f6896
Samefagging? Really? *facepalm*

| Wait, did someone just get pwned?

| >>933874 ?

| The meaning is that there is nooone

| It's obvious OP never had sex

| I like my dogs a ton of a lot.

| >>934026
Dogs live by the the real secret of life -- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play. How can you not love them?

| >>933905
To the Taoist mentality, the aimless, empty life does not suggest anything depressing. On the contrary, it suggests the freedom of clouds and mountain streams, wandering nowhere, of flowers in impenetrable canyons, beautiful for no one to see, and of the ocean surf forever washing the sand, to no end.

| it's for you to decide because being alive means you have freedom of choice

| The meme-ing of life

| Meat and bread is what I make my breakfast of.

| For starters, putting the prefix of "what is the meaning" in front of anything is already limiting the answer. For instance what is the meaning of a cat, what is the meaning of a car, what is the meaning of the air around. You see already your mind is trying to come up with an answer to this but it is halted due to the preface of the beginning words; "the meaning". Instead ask What is life? And the answer is full of vast emotion of hopes and dreams.

| seriously?


| >>a0f631 that's a very old meme my dood. I'm surprised I remembered it

| >>934495

| >>934395

| Have sex and have fun.

| Drink mixed semen and cum

| >>934395 purpose objectively dont exist, they are made subjectively on self-awareness level. Meaning of car is transportation, meaning of air is based by characteristics, for example life support. Meaning of cat can be different.. some people could see it as hunter of mouse, now it's can be pet and so, but again someone gived meaning of it. Life is allowing doing things, but why? In some way its useless, but people are usually scared of dead. So meaning of life can be don't be dead

Total number of posts: 31, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1671774337

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