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What is your Dangerous Opinion about blank threads?

| Like these with some ascii, link to weird porn site, poem, Awooo etc. Do you love them? Or do you hate them? Why? Should we sex ops of these threads?






| It's just noise so I tend to ignore it.

| >>933621 some are ads that maids take care of quickly. For the others where it's difficult to tell whether they're spam or just shit posts, I don't think they get in the way at all so I don't really care.



| By the way, I am Pomu de una familia noble Pomulia

| *farts* ehm... sorry.


| clearly they are secret messages sent as code


| >>933743

| I fighted against a penis here and I won this war.

| >>933686 *Not quickly


| ok so when the and then i go it goes like because that is the correct thing.

| >>933621 wow do you expect me to read all that?
Where's the tl;dr?

| >>933867 i lurk /all/ so yes
tl;dr: suck my dick

| Sex sex sex sex sex sex sex

| >>933873 what does interacting with your [vulgar word] has anything to do with opinions?


| >>933914 i didn't told my opinion yet, i see them fine, they makes dead boards falsely alive

| >>933939 Sounds like the lyrics of a song. :O

| >>933976 idk which one tbh

Total number of posts: 28, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1671316988

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