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WC general

| talk about your bathroom here

| How's your then?

| Hell yeah, finally a tungsten carbide thread!

| I have two bathrooms. One is in a normal spot but the other is connected to the master bedroom's closet. It doesn't go anywhere else you just have to go in the closet to get to that bathroom

| I'll be moving soon and my new bathroom is freaking huge.

| This thread is now a W.C. Fields thread

| Gender was invented by bathroom companies to sell more bathrooms.

| my shower head is broken :(

| it was hilarious the first time I heard someone try to use WC in the wild. We barely spoke each others language, and for some reason they left me with this kid, who starts jumping up and down and shouting 'dubbuya cee!' over and over, until I realize it's a former Br*tish colony and the kid probably means 'water closet'.
Ahh, memories.

| yeah them Brutish colonies be all wack

| I enjoy feeding the plants instead of using the WC.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1670683311

This thread is permanently archived