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i cant do drugs because im broke

| i got a friend who is equally dumb as me, except he is handed free money. guy smokes, alcoholism, that stuff. i thought about how i'd fare if i had the money before, considering im quite easily swayed

| you want me to believe this post?
not having money never stopped a crackhead from getting crack.
crackheads are the poster child for determination.
they'll kill you for the sink in your apartment, which they'll pawn for five bucks just to buy one more rock to smoke.
be like a crackhead.

| >>932454 crackheads are inspiring

| >>932452 saddest thing is after all the meth and booze, he still got more money than you. Be smart and keep him around, take his money/phone when he is high. It won't affect him because he can just milk his parents.

| >>3620b9 I've never thought of it that way. Crackheads are extremely driven and productive. I want a self help seminar from one.

| can you fill me with your addicted seed?

| Addicted to sex instead dummy

| >>932454
Nah, that's a stereotype. That's the old model. Outdated and inefficient. All the crackheads I know just sell crack to pay for the crack. They're propet businessgurls

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1670259214

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