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I'm feeling funny

| I think I feel in love but I can't word a way to interact with them my attempts end up to look like a weirdo who doesn't know how to hold up a chat. It feels likes I'm being some sort of stalker by how little explaination I'm capable to give for my actions. I've sort of ended up to say that I'm getting on something and I should stop the contact for a while.
How the fuck do you sort out this feeling and what's the logical way to engage on this?

| I feel like my emotions were to be overspend on something without my consent, I don't feel any control anymore, it's as if my instincts were trying to convince me that feeding this emotions with more interaction would help me. While at the contrary I'm in making of a plan and gathering my necessities to find a way to make my own life.

| I feel like this could become a risk on time cost and also connections for having such a shitty way to express myself on with these feelings, rumors may'll start and I feel like I'd be better off be mad whenever we meet so I can hide and avoid explaining any action I wouldn't be able to control. I don't think I'd be able to keep this silly thing up and it worries me how much annoyance I could be causing.

| By these small thoughts coming up now and then in mind I cannot ignore the feeling of regret if I were to ignore everything and gathering my fullest focus up to keep moving on with my plans.

| *fucks your mouth*

| Try sex

| Tell me a joke then

| Nah fr though. Just tell them. It's way easier that way. It's hard to do, but damn it saves you a lot of time and tryna uphold the kinda shit you're talking about is just unnecessarily complicated and exhausting

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1670351784

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