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When someone on the internet seemingly disappeared, what do you usually think happened to them?

| Sometimes I'd find art that's drawn by someone who hasn't posted in years. Looking at my Steam account, I have friends that were last online years ago. Initially I'd think they fucking died, but what about you?

| Internet worm eated them...
Or they get annoyed by me xd

| mostly, I just assume they don't use that platform much anymore. but there's one person I'm pretty sure committed suicide. I feel a little bad that I couldn't help them.

| there's always the death option but for the steam ppl i always assume they have shit to do or started using other platforms

| They doing sex offline, and you should too!

| I love sex. Offline and online.

| >>932030 how do you sex¿

| I assume they got bored of whiny/toxic people and opted to get a life. At least that's what happened to everyone I keep in touch with that doesn't hang around online anymore. Most of them are mothers and fathers now.

| they ded

| A lot can happen. You ever heard of kids? Lots of people give up games for their families. Imagine dead tired after your 9-5 job + additional 1 hour to commute and then when you get home, you still have to give time for your wife and kids. When you have free time, all you want is to lay down and watch tv because it takes energy to play game.

| Does it matter whether they die or just moved on to other platforms? They're still gone...

Equally sad either way though.

| People have the right to disappear. Modern society has no respect for this.

Used to be so easy to just leave your old life behind in the 90s. Geez...

| >>932083
Uhm, no. Them being dead is a thousand times sadder than them living a good life without you. Always wish your friends happiness and good fortune, even if they're not in your life anymore.

| Not using the platform or dead unless I've got info pointing to something else

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1670020103

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