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am i fat?

| recently ive been questioning myself this n i need other peeps opinion, im 5'2 n 94lbs, what do u guys think

| You have a BMI of about 17, which means you're not only not fat, you're probably underweight enough for it to start causing you medical issues. If you nonetheless feel fat, or see yourself as fat when you look in the mirror, you might be anorexic.

| No. You're not fat at all. You should be getting more calories, or it's gonna get dangerous for you g/u/rl.

| >>929850 she will be in danger/u/?!

| You are not fat, you ffart

| Bruh tf? You gotta start eating more g/u/rl. You're weight is bad but in the opposite direction of what you're thinking

| >>929681 Underweight afaik, eat more food, and if you persistently feel fat I'd recommend talking to a psychologist, you might have an ED or similar

Being underweight is not good, speaking from experience

| Dunno, send photo

| ああああ
Get high and eat some food, you will take damage and will lose the game at this rate.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1668936319

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