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Whatever god decides, whatever it decides

| Usually, it correlates with curiousity against your permanent preeminent design based of worthless reflection of itself.

Or just a reverse of it, of everything that is good.

| The way people say "yee confused" always felt somewhat off. I guess it sounded more like "you are retarded and you are worthless" but then they also dont know as much and hides informations to gain benefits.

I guess it s just how insecure they actually are everything else

| Cant have what you were never given i guess.

| Imagine not knowing technology not changings at all hh

| Mistyped. Not knowing that technology changed

| tf you talkin about

| tdlr go and pray RIGHT NOW you fucking sinner

| >>928772

| Also

| god won't hear you in my House of Mirrors, detective :0)

| >>928772 >>928859

| >>928859

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1668084040

This thread is permanently archived