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| No Russians

| Remember.
No electricity.

| Русские - лучшие славяне. Конечно, планка очень низкая (все к востоку от Одера - это джунгли). Но они единственные, чей язык я считаю достойным изучения.
t. westoid

| russkis always takes the bait. Every. Single. Time.

| >>928153 А в чём проблема?

| do they even get paid to have us laugh at them, or are they doing it for free?

| >>928247 no swift, no pay

| >>928266
if I knew what that was I'd laugh harder

| >>8df43d fuck you

| Dying is gay

| >>928680 dying is straight. living is homosexul but thats ok because you would be homophobic if you hated it XOXOXOXOx

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1668006968

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