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I know you're just larping as a lesbian.

| just know that I know.

| no im not

| You got me... I'm actually bisexual.

| I'm not!! You dummy!

| The best part about larping as a lesbian is that I don't even have to pay rent

| because it's rent free

| it's danger/u/ tradition to go lesbian since you don't go outside to meet boys

| >>928005 larp- what? We are g/u/rls and most of us lesbians! And we have our lewd loli dreams like being dominated by other girl what would spoil us~ And than maybe larping that we are useless soldiers in WWII like Girls' Last Tour or Youjo Senki and doing g/u/rls stuffs like war crimes or genocides~

| >>928025 I don't get it

| Bi master race.

| >>928057 When you are suffering, know that I have betrayed you

| Pan master race.

| >>928090 right here with you g/u/rl

| I want the bi g/u/rls and the pan g/u/rls to meet up so we can have long sloppy making out all day.

| >>928158
Yes please~ <3

| >>928158im down

| >>928100 you betrayed me? :o i don't remember, when and how? :o wouldn't we cuddles instead~?

| >>928005
tough talk, from someone within handholding range!

| >>928150 everytime someones cites pansexualism i think of a dude fucking an iron pan

| >>928260
... it isn't?

| is there a burn ward about 500 feet from here?

| gender is a spectrum and i just wanna fuck it all. T_T

| >>928546
if it's a spectrum, then os it both a particle and a wave? who'd even be on top?

| >>928244
You wouldn't dare!

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1667888804

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