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Any niche little chat rooms you can think of

| Haven’t seen any in a while and I’m kinda sick of the worlds of twitter and Instagram

Gotta look for some new interest too and there’s always been cool ones in these spaces

| There's no way I would share my hiddem gems on this shitposting site.

| Oh I know one!

| We're affiliated with re:wire. Analog City now has a chatroom. SSH into Username is lowlife. Another community member sometimes has a site setup called Luna, but that's only occasionally online, and it moves around.

| I wish I could find more niche websites like danger/u/. Unfortunately this one is the only one I know of and everyone is scared to share links to their favorite boards because they might be flooded with bullshit. Attention is bad for niche sites like these, but how else will they get the attention they deserve?

| >>927425 I really like this website. Thanks for posting g/u/rl!

| >>927552 you're welcome!

| Maybe start a bulletin board system?

| >>927549 At this point how the fuck is danger/u/ niche, the community is too big to be considered niche now

| >>927666 danger/u/ is big?

| >>927666 I don't get it. Every now and then someone will make a thread like "danger/u/ is dead and dying" and the someone will pop up with an opinion like this lmao. The one schizo populating this site is acting up again

| This site has
1 schizo with 37 vpns
A couple Russians planning world domination
Whoever still uses /cyb/ idk
Random person that played va11 hall-a that will get scared off and never return after posting once or lurking a bit(this role is always being filled again after getting vacant)

| grimchan's gonna die on January

| >>927421 Steam, Discord, IRC?

| >>927878
Probably IRC is the targeted option... Discord is bloated and can't run without 10 Gbps symmetrical connection, Steam is more for games than chatting... And we're looking for something outside internet giants' control.

| you could try seeing if any of the sites on here are still alive https://dangeru.us/u/thread/177771

| https://www.chatwithfartyfriends.xyz/

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1667540321

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