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Video and Games distribution

| Hello..
2 Years ago i lost access to my PS3 and PS2 (they broke sadly at similat time) and now i'm at the point when i have last DVD driver (dvd burner in laptop).. I have physically around 5 old movies (from 201x era) but i feel always get demotivated to watch them, because i must start my old laptop which i don't use for while.. Few days back i was in altmarkt and i did notice that they are sold blu-ray movies.. and it made me one small question..

| Probably a lot questions..

1. Are DVD and Blu-ray still relevant kind of distribution?
2. Are you having at home device with drive able to read/burn DVD/Blu-Ray?
3. Are you buying physically games/movies? And if not, would you may consider it at least?
4. Are you primarly using Netflix, HBO, Steam, PSN, Xbox Live, Crunchyroll or any kind of digital distribution? Pirating? Or physical media are having place for you?
5. When and why did you recently use VHS?

| Only physical media I still buy are games and only if I can find cheaper than digital
fucking retarded distributions with 5+ discs that STILL REQUIRE SOME DRM BASED LAUNCHER

| 6. Do you think that DVD/BD/AD (Archival disc) distribution will still exists in 2030?
7. When did you recently visit cinema? and WHat movie?

I would be happy for your answers ^^

| >>926287 faster reaction than my long post xD thank you ^^

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1666724595

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