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I think I have dissociative identity disorder but I'm worried I'm wrong or faking and idk what to do


| Have a talk with yourself
Grill that other you until she spills the beans

| >>926276 ok but I don't think the other me if there is another me would know that they're an other me? Like I don't have people in my head I can talk to it's just thoughts like anyone else I think. But I'm so inconsistent and empty and forgetful and never know who I am and idk how to figure anything out

| >>926281 try to ask consent and see if she's up to it. If she denies you, kick her out and pick up another disorder to feed your anxiety with, there is no need to waste time with rude and unreasonable peoples.

| >>926426 I tried and was met with silence. I don't think this is how Did works

| I'm taking over a host body right now as I type this. OP, is probably a poser bitch fuck. This power is unreal and unmatched. I have specialized this mind hacking skill for over 2000 years now.

| Op talk to a therapist that's basically all you can do and last thing you should do is ask an anon board for advice on mental health

| Sometimes you gotta talk to the realest nigga you know

| Real niggas have ironic gay sex instead of talking

| talk to a professional for serious advice, right after you become the most popular girl in the mens locker room

| >>926535 god I would if I had money for therapy lol

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1666844345

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