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I'm so glad that - 9 is still around

| -9

| -9

| -9

| I have been here for literal years, and I have no idea what this -9 spam is. Can some g/u/rl fill me in?

| >>926263 once there was a count from 100 to 0 thread
themstve were very commited, so much that they hit 0 and went negative
and i just kept spamming -9 to fuck with them because funny
but then
it s p r e a d
the wretched number will take over danger/a/

| >>926266 cool, but this is like spam, right? Like at least ZANE!?s and Sniper-chan are segregated to their own threads. This -9 thing is kind of excessive imo.

| >>926296
its too late
give up
soon all shall be -9

| Fuck this -9 cunt right in the mouth.

| >>926560 your mouth looks fuckable

| Mouthfuck

| What if we -9 while holding hand.. haha jk unless..

| Maybe the true -9 was the friends we made along the way

| Best girl really

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1666838098

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