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guilt from masturbating materials

| should I be shame from that?

| *fucks your mouth*

| shiji moment

| Yes

| >>926175 nah is fine

| >>926175 yes you should be ashamed
Ashamed of not sharing it with the g/u/rls

| try sex

| Have u tried sex

| try sex (with me)

| I love sex.

| It depends on the material...

| If no real person was hurt it doesn't matter

| To quote a friend: "If you don't feel ashamed after you finish, you weren't doing it right."

| I really love masturbating to the smell of my own farts.

| how degenerate is it

| >>926414 I've always been so confused about this. I've never once felt guilt over busting fat ropes in my life- is it just a guy thing? What are you dudes doing that's making you feel sad despite releasing fool-good chemicals?

| I love shotacon

| I love lolicon

| >>926775 I dunno, post nut depression hits pretty hard to some guys

| >>926815 But like, why. Where does it come from?

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1666841117

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