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fuck putin

| and everyone who supports him

when will this fuckhead die already?

| Turn off the light and stay mad, ukrobot.

| Soon™

Most of his followers are dead inside anyway. I don't think I've ever seen a putin supporter who wasn't mentally ill or severely depressed.

| >>919049 go back to your isolation thread, idiot. I'm not even Ukrainian, lmao. but yeah, of course everyone who doesn't support putin is Ukrainian and nazi by definition, right?

>>919241 apparently we have bunch of them in the Russian thread

| >>919281
The one's in the russian threads are all mentally ill and/or severely depressed lol. The russian threads are echo chambers of conspiracy theories and propaganda. At least they were the last time I bothered to read them. I seldom waste my time looking into the minds of chuds.

| >>919281
Stop screaming, I can see your little piggy face, so it's no reason to lie and cover your identity.
After this post you are surely not a nazi. So why are you creating hate against russian anons?

| Опять свиньи из стойла вышли. И кстати, почему модераторы этот тред на новостную доску не перенесли?

| >>919649 yeah, seems so

I'm surprised the maids do nothing to stop these nazi idiots who hate everything about Ukraine just because. this is literally worse than /a/ spam and .onion links they do delete

| the ukraine g/u/rl and the russia g/u/rl are getting back together after their break. so cute!

| Putin eats big dinners

| I love sex.

| >>922562
>Russia and Ukraine are getting back together after their CCCP break, so cute!
Fixed your post.

| >grandfather works for GRU and intercepts foreign mail:
for Communism!
>father works for KGB and performs counterintelligence operations:
For Russia!
> you work as indentured contractor for propaganda, shitposting on the internet:
For Putin (or else!)

| >>920708
Да будет тебе, пусть порезвятся пока могут. А должны?

| go to /new/ and try to provoke people there, filthy animal


| Political

| >>924090 Ну как бы до этого такие треды в нь/ю/ перекидывали.

| >>918777 hater

| Russia had communism... That is, they had communism before the first world war. Communism worked out really well for them. The famines were dealt with within a year and the issues that caused them were immediately solved.

Russia has not had communism or socialism since.

Putin is a puppet gone rogue. The only reason Russia doesn't have communism anymore is because of the west countries' meddling.

The Renaissance came directly from Russia's Communist society.

| >>926265
> they had communism before the first world war.
Are you sure about that?

| How 2 ask for mercy in russian? Repeat after me!
"Pojalusta blyat ubey menya, ya goluboi." That means "please blyat don't shoot, I'm civilian"

| >>926483
You liar! That means "Please don't shoot me, I'm blue!"

| >>926265 you don't know the first thing about Russian history, do you?

| >>926265 a good example disgracing yourself with keen face

| >>926483 don't tell them you're a civilian they will actually aim at you then... Or they'll try at least 2 days of training can only get you so far

| >>926486 they are synonyms in russian

| >>926534 I haven't killed any civilian yet, it's a tip from rooskie so you'll be good, because I'm good rooskie just like Nikolai from Cock of Dooty

| >>926546 yes I trust rooskie to not war crime me now thank you

| Anyway war crime is not a crime if you were having fun

| >>926799 *fucks your mouth*

| >>926801 *fucks your mouth*

| *did war crime with your mouths*

Total number of posts: 32, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1666844060

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