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Feeling Mighty Empty

| Even though I've got a couple good friends I've had for about 5 years, talking to them regularly, I still just feel pretty empty.
I have trouble sleeping at night, and I bury myself in tasks at work, at least about to get a promotion for it.
But it still stands, I just feel kinda empty, save for wanting my friends to succeed since they've had a shit life.

| Thought "Maybe getting a gf will help," but how am I supposed to get one nowadays? Especially since I'm just so socially horrible, and can't start conversations with people outside of work. Only tried Bumble, but dating apps seem to just be hookup brothels half the time.
I just don't know where to go from here. On the up with money and self esteem, but still just me.

| Will you stop shitting this site up with your lame emo posting pls. No one is responding to it so just go away. No one fucking axed about any of this.

| >>915156 Fucking cry about it mate, I'm just asking on the only half-decent site around here. Bug off with the crying about "muh site"

| >>915156 shut up no one asked your opinion on this thread

| >>e3a2e9 try finding a hobby/passion/sport. then get new friends that also like those hobbies. should help

| >>e3a2e9 kys you worthless sack of shit

| >>915156 lmao you're an actual cuck

| >>916920 Projecting much?

>>915983 The only issue with that is there isn't much to do in my area, and I hate driving to the city.
Been wanting to try milling stuff with the lathe I have, but it's not ready to be used still, and I don't know how to get it balanced.

| you still have the emotional intelligence of a slug. unfuck yourself.

| >>dd8311 Sure I ain't emotionally smart, but how in the fuck do I unfuck years of abuse and isolation?

| I'm just here for the violence

| Try... hiking. Idk I liked it so... maybe you will too

| >>920478 Honestly, I probably would, if it wasn't for the paranoia of shit hiding in the forests.
I do like walking around a fair bit, only downside besides horrors beyond my comprehension in the unmapped caves of the U.S. is allergies.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1666490387

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