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i want some estrogen

| get that shit inside me rn please

| You could borrow some if you come by

| what's stopping you?

| I've been thinking about starting it. Everything about it seems good to me, except that I want to keep my penis and not have it shrink. I can't quite make the decision.

| >>914001
Do you have a decent size? Cause it don't really shrink that much if you, well, remember to stimulate it. Big decrease only really happens if you never have erections. Erections won't occur naturally nearly as much on E, but if you make them happen then it barely shrinks, so unless it's super tiny already it'll barely matter. At least it barely changed for me

| I've been on estrogen for two month soon, and it's cool, i can feel the tits growin

| Don't let the crazies convince you to take random ass hormones, see actual medical professionals not randos online OP

| >>916812
oooooo im using my estrogen ray on kids as we speak

| >>913719 the country and i dont think im in the mood to get murdered

| >>917550 it's ineffective cause the cell towers already emit estrogen rays at 32x power

>>916384 let us see them>:]

| >>918603
nah theres no shit to see YET but its definitely growin

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1666555838

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