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I don't want to feel like this anymore

| Should I get addicted to something? Everyone recommend me your favorite. What will make feel less like an imposter wearing human shaped skin?

| the imposter... from... a-am...

| Amozgus

| this is why I play destiny 2 (that and it's social)

| elona

| blue id gang thread

| Mother’s milk

| excercise or religion

| Yeah dude, tricking myself into believing fantasy lore is totally going to help me solve my problems

| >>913174
you joke, but people who honestly have faith are happier, live longer, and have less chance of developing dementia & Alzheimers, according to most peer reviewed studies on the subject. conversely, they also have a higher mortality rate post-invasive surgery.

| >>913729
>according to most peer reviewed studies
have you not yet learned to leave at least one doi after making this sort of claim

| >>913729 That's a correlation, not causation. It's just as likely that happier and more resilient people tend to adopt religious values more than people who don't have those qualities. And again, I don't care what other people are doing. I can't make myself care about incoherent Warhammer 40k tier lore people like you want to shove down my throat.

| >>913897
> It's just as likely that happier and more resilient people tend to adopt religious values more than people who don't have those qualities.
Isn't that just another correlation? Wtf @ you.

| >>914043 No, we're describing the same exact correlation. I'm saying that it's unknown if adopting religion makes you happier and more likely live longer or if happier people are more likely to adopt religion and engage in less risky behaviors that would cause them to die early. We literally don't know.

| >>914095
> I'm saying that it's unknown if adopting religion makes you happier
Based on what? Your ass?

| >>915056 holy shit this is some high concept retardation

| Well.. I preach fitness. Powerlifting saved my life. maybe it will help you too

| >>915684 I'm a girl, I don't want to get ripped


| I don't care how stupid or fantastical religion seems like, but it did help me out. Sure it's not the absolute answer to any *real* problems but it's someone's peace of mind. Just from what I've seen, religious people sure are happier... I'm a bit jealous of that bit.
Oh and yes. Fitness. Jogging, biking. Maybe even take care of a pet animal.

| Cool so pump iron and pretend to believe Oblivion lore. If this is all you guys have got it's now wonder so many men off themselves a year. Wtf are these solutions dude

| >>919602
We're not here to hold your hand and guide you trough life, loser. Yes, most of us could probably improve your life if we wanted to and if you were willing to actually listen, but why bother? You have the emotional intelligence of a snail and the conversation skills of an arrogant (but intelligent) Aspie who sneers at everything they don't know. Taking you seriously is a waste of time and effort. Unfuck yourself.

| >>919783 you called me intelligent :3

Total number of posts: 23, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1666495406

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