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I'm self aware that I'm lazy and do nothing about it

| I need to die

| Don't forget to do a flip.

| or just keep being lazy. not really that much of a problem on it's own, only if it prevents you from doing the things you want.

| Try sex

| you'll get to it tomorrow

| The concept of being lazy is a social construct invented by the upper class to make the human body's basic need for rest seem like a choice and shame working class people into pushing their body and mental way beyond what's healthy because filling people's minds with guilt is a very effective way to control and manipulate them and the lower classes being constantly burnt out while slaving away to work for them is extremely beneficial to maintaining the current social hierarchy imo

| True, let's continue consuming what the YouTube algorithm puts out so that independent thought becomes frightening.

| It's capitalisms fault I'm not taking out the trash. If Jeff Bezos doesn't like my flat smelling like garbage he can take out the trash himself.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1666438151

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