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The maids don't want you to know this, but

| The harpies in the park are free. You can take them home with you. I have seven P/a/pis.

| >>907827 what u smoking? What u talking about?

| 谜团重重,似乎别有深意。
Riddled with mysteries that seem to mean something else.

| Those are Pref's harpies and it is literally illegal to take them.

| have sex and have fun

| >>908246 *steals your harpies*

| >>908246 NTR-ing pref....

| I'm more of a Lamia guy tho

| >>908246 my plan is to take them, so Pref comes to get them back, and then I have Pref all for myself :>

| >>907827 can I have sex with them?

| I want a slime girl. They can clean, be a bed, and all they need is a water source!
Also the sex would be amazing! Imagine the slime girl IN YOUR BALLS!

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1666720180

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