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how to help people better

| i have a friend who is depressed and anxious (like i am) and sometimes suicidal, i love them dearly and want to help in any way i can, i know their life is not my responsibility but i still want to be there for them

any more specific advice?

| draw up a suicide pact

| unironically have sex

| Don't try to tie you're own mental health to theirs. No details so can't really give advice other than don't follow them.

| best you can do might be just take them to therapist.

| I have never heard of a good ending with your setting.

| >>902746 i need someone to do this for me

| >>902776
I was in that situation and it had a good ending. We're both doing way better and in much better situations and stuff.

But, idk how to give much advice tbh. Spend time together, be there for them when they need it, if they might attempt don't give them the time to do so, make plans together, stuff like that.

| Have you try sex on and off?

| get them professional help, be their friend and have a threeway

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1666362909

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