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I've been single for neigh on 8 years because I stopped trying to find someone who would measure up to my memories from 17 years ago. I should probably just kill myself.

| A collection of one million souls

enters my coffin,

breaking the lock

and stealing

everything in sight.

They rip off my clothes

and wash off the war paint

that was smeared across my face

to conceal the agony of my death

and to maintain my false beauty

a few days

before the worms and maggots

eat it all away,

leaving nothing

but a few mangled bones.

| you STILL have the emotional intelligence of a slug
and if getting called out doesn't invite you to fix that, kill yourself and save us the oxygen

| Do it

| Don't be silly, you can't kill yourself. People who had the balls to kill themselves are dead right now.

| >>902538 tbh this

| Psyche! It as a troll all along~

| >>902460 let ask, nobody gave you a rip when you've died?

| stay alive man, learn chinese calligraphy

| >>903128 Wow you sure got us.

| ...this is what passes for trolling nowadays?

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1666292988

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