Post number #902367, ID: be3268
In fact I think I'm socially... inept. I can vibe with almost anyone, but keeping the friendship even after we have no contact anymore (moving places, graduating, quitting work) is a huge challenge to me. How the hell? I try to message them on social media but we quickly run out of things to chat about, and I can feel things falling apart then. Do I just purposely not contact them at all and then hit them up one day to say hello? Is that how it's done?
Post number #902415, ID: b7f39b
Have you try sex?
Post number #902417, ID: 2a064c
People just fade in and out man. Its life... For that moment your paths aligned and thats all. Just gatta keep moving. You cant put it on yourself to keep the relationships afloat. Thats too much pressure. Take it from me dude
Post number #902678, ID: 8e1faf
keeping in touch is a stupid concept. if you have no real relation to the person, be it a frendship, romantic or business relationship, then there little point in trying hard to make them remember you "just in case i need them". really, a rare person can do this and not regret having 100 diff ppl bug them with stupid shit. no, networking is a spook, purposefully reaching out is stupid, and you are absolutely fine. Me, a person on the internet, pass unto thee the right to feel fine.
Post number #902679, ID: 8e1faf
some people ofc can have 20dms open in any moment while talking in a room with 30ppl - and enjoy this. but if you aint enjoying stuff like this, then you just going to be miserable, and then miserable^2 for thinking there is something wrong with you and you MUST change it. i mean, you did say you can vibe with almost anyone, where are you supposedly socially inept? youre like, socially functional atleast the fuck more you need
Post number #902680, ID: fc3758
Have sex and have fun.
Post number #902683, ID: 4bd0f5
Post number #902741, ID: 9d66cf
you're too worried. Just kick the bucket and get yourself invested on something as well. If you know each others well, you'll get the chance to contact them. You're probably reaching the limit of amount of discussion you can do by how much you probably are contacting them. Let them have their time to recharge some topics but also for you, or find some new interest where you can be both invested if there is some space of time to make such new hobby. Just get a hold of yourself.
Total number of posts: 8,
last modified on:
Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1666102766
| In fact I think I'm socially... inept. I can vibe with almost anyone, but keeping the friendship even after we have no contact anymore (moving places, graduating, quitting work) is a huge challenge to me. How the hell? I try to message them on social media but we quickly run out of things to chat about, and I can feel things falling apart then. Do I just purposely not contact them at all and then hit them up one day to say hello? Is that how it's done?