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I hate cold weather

| It always reminds me of my ex.

17 years on and I still miss them terribly. They moved on and are quite happy, but I've never loved anyone else as much as them. I moved to an entire different biome just to get away from reminders of them and still every fall & every cold front, I miss them.

| I like cold weather.

| >17 years have passed
>she still hasn't moved on
you have the emotional intelligence of a slug. unfuck yourself.

| >>902198
I should probably just kill myself.

I've had 'good enough' relationships since then, but they've lacked the same spark of passion. I know it's dumb & stupid. I can recognize that it's over. I'm not jealous that my ex is happy and fulfilled with their new partner. I don't even really want to get back with them, because I'm not who I was back then. But what was was so much better than anything I've had since.

It would be nice to be able to trust someone that much again.

| >17 years on and I still miss them terribly.

It's time to move on.

| How old are you, OP? You must be like 32+ but your posts are akin to some teenage emo kids. Double you tee eff!

| >>50680b Is this you? https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/emo-dad

| >>902227 indeed.

I've been single for neigh on 8 years because I stopped trying to find someone who would measure up to my memories. Just flinging it up instead.

As people get older they get more selfish. It becomes harder to build a relationship of trust where you aren't taken advantage of.

| >>902231 nope. In 2009 I was busy getting high as hell in Austin. And was 22.

| Do it OP I believe in you!

| >>902232
>I've been single for neigh on 8 years because I stopped trying to find someone who would measure up to my memories from 17 years ago.
Why would you do that to yourself?


| >>902334
Do you never get tired of constant disappointment? After a while I just got tired of one-sidedly trying and decided to just live how I wanted on my own.

| I sweat alot so I prefer the cold

| >>902432
Whoever said you had the emotional intelligence of a slug were right.

| https://youtu.be/DvnfpDVLWOI

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1665954128

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