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how to talk to trans tutorial

| help i want to be friends but if my friends catch me talking to them they might start avoiding me since lbtq+ isnt supported at all in my country

| Try a gentle sex approch

| usually my advice is "if your friends leave because of that, they weren't good friends," but I would suspect it's harder to follow that advice when you can't easily find a group of lgbt friends to join.

| >>901761 that and my friends have been with me for a long time

| I don't think I could ever interact with a friend normally again if they came out. I'd give them polite platitudes and start talking less and less, making excuses to never have time until they give up talking to me again.

| If your friends would leave you over something like that, that's on them. Don't let fear get in the way of what you want to do.

| >>901744 i'm not knowing any trans person, but my only real life friend is lesbian xd
i think that i can recommend these things:
1. don't point any way about persons sexual orientation
2. don't judge/laugh or anything weird about persons sexual orientation identity
3. don't talk negatively about lgbtq+ etc.
4. talk with the person as you would talk to anyone else
boys and girls are also humans, and i don't suppose that you talk to them differently, so why not trans xd

| >>901777 you sound like a shitty person

| since you mentioned "country" I'm guessing you're talking about online friends, in which case why would your irl friends bother? basic privacy respect.

| >>901855 that's because they are baiting

| search for programmers on twitter and you'll find some trans friends to make

| >>902050 in IT class where was around 20 of us.. one of them was changed gender.. and honestly.. sometimes i think about myself too.. so i can confirm that it's true xd

| now i just remember that one classmate was gay.. i don't understand this statistics so much

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1665727903

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