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I stuck with my mouse

| one of my mouses double clicked after only a few months but I didn't give up and adapted

today I think the left click fixes itself

thank u mouse god

| >>901548 i had something similar with my roccat.. i feel mindfucked.. does mouse god exists?

| Got double click with logitech, turned out it was the driver. Reinstalled and it was fixed.

| i am just financially jealous i guess. also i hate first worlders.

| >>901710 just stop being poor lmao

| >>901711 First AnCap nominated for nobel prize of economy
>>901710 i don't know where you live, but migration can be solution. But it's sure difficult process, also it's about your decision etc.. But you are posting here.. So you must probably have phone, laptop/pc with mouse.. or at least access to internet cafe, library or anything?

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1665633758

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