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How to get comfy?

| So how do /you/ set up a comfy spot? A desk and a chair is all I have, and I'm starting to think of moving things to my bedside, where it's cooler and I can actually lie down. I can even have a blanket fort very nearby.

| don't shitpost from bed. the bed is for sleeping and for fucking. maybe you can get away with mouthfuck-chan style posting but otherwise you're ruining the EXTREMELY IMPORTANT association between your bed and rest and relaxation. you will rue the day.

for comfiness you can try a good gaming chair or an armchair and put a blanket on top. sometimes that's plenty. if you're more enthusiastic replace the chair with a beanbag but be careful for your lower back (it may start hurting).

| jus spoon gf/bf

| work yourself to exhaustion, have a hot bath, and then cuddle under soft sheets and blankets with your bf~

| You cant. Nothing can. Thats how forum and conversation came to be.

| I like to be comfy at my desk, so I make that nice for myself by having things I need in arms reach. I have a shelf next to my desk for snacks, a blanket, my jill fumo, and other such stuff. I've recently made sure there aren't any available nearby spaces for dirty dishes and trash so I have to put them in the kitchen or trash can instead, which helps keep it clean.

| Have sex and have fun.

| "What did you do to my daugth-" fuck me.

| Sorry but we never met

| Thank you 21st century
Thank you feminism
Thank you Over population

| Thank you me! Yeehaw

| >>900579 I spend a lot of time at my desk working in my room (where my bed is), and I used to sleep there as well. I moved to the couch like a month ago to remove that relation between working and sleeping in the same room, and even though it's less comfortable, my sleep is so much better now

| Sitting on my lap uwu

| >>900972 I do the same, since my desk is very full I have a big cardboard box next to my office chair to have snacks etc. on, and space on the floor for my two blåhajar for the rare occasions when I'm not cuddling them

| Forgot to mention this is when my partners aren't home, when they are, cuddling is the comfiest

| I'll be comfy when I'm dead!!

| I'm comfy when in bed. It's the comfiest config for me.

| >>901191 multiple partners AND multiple blåhaj? I'm so jealous...

| >>901412 Yeah it's good, would recommend

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1665429079

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