Song-chan Updates 2: Electric Boogaloo

| Last thread reached post cap. Here ya go. c:

| \o/ ~ ♡ ~ <3

| Ay Ay Ay

| Let's go!!!

| >Hello! This is the masterlist of those who want to donate!!

WVR.MOE digital copy of the cassette tape:

-(17 songs from our different /u/ artists including song-chan herself! The proceeds go to song-chan's bandcamp!)

Gofundme: https://gofund.me/c5ea5e34

Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/hiw0shi

Thank you g/u/rls so much!

| Hello!! Wanted to update you g/u/rls since it's been a while! The results from the last BMA is out and i'm still on remission! Yay! When i was diagnosed, they found around 70-77% percent. They only found 2.67% of blasts in my marrow now!! :) we've come so far! Aaaa

I'll be confined again (thursday next week), for my last session of chemotherapy!!! Final boss!! Let's go!!!!

| >>886658


| >>886658
Let's go!!!

| >>886658
Almost there~ Final bosses tend to be pushovers, you've grinded enough levels to just wipe the floor on it. Kick some ass, Song-chan~♡

| >>886662 thank you!!!

>>886667 let's go!! Let's put on our best maid outfits and get ready for battle!!

>>886668 thank you !!!!!!!! I'm going to do my best!! I won't let you g/u/rls down!

| >>887021
Maided up with cat ears on top we'll beat this as one!!!

| LETS GO!!!!

| Hello gang!! I am at home and unfortunately my family got covid and since i got exposed to them (even if my test says negative), i am in quarantine as my hospital refuses to admit patients with covid exposure. Thank you gurls so much for all of your support and im just itching to power through my chemo to get it over with lol

| >>889110 One extra hurdle, sounds like. I'm guessing you're doing okay, though?

| Been a bit since the last update. Hope everything's going smoothly for you, Song-chan ♡

| >>891625 >>889178 thank you g/u/rls. Yall are very sweet!

Here is the update!!
Hello!! I got confined the other day and just started my first dose of chemo for this cycle earlier this morning! Things are going good so far! Just feeling weak but nothing serious to write home about!!

Thank you for always checking in. We are so close to the finish line. I can almost see it on the horizon!!

| >>891921 ^.^ Glad to hear it's still going well.
Might be a sensitive subject, but do you know if this will affect your ability to sing, or play instruments?

| >>892021 hi!! I think it will. In a sense that i just need to practice again! Haha my doctor's pretty strict in what i bring to the hospital and she doesnt want me to bring anything that's not really deemed "necessary" so im unable to bring my ukulele or lesrn guitar.

Hopefully after my confinement i can get back to the swing of things and update new content again at my youtube channel! I need to be more active ;~;

| >>892083 That's a shame. Some ukelele echoing through the hospital halls would be a nice touch. Still, it's relieving to know that you won't lose that skill from this.

| >>892220 it would be! It's pretty quiet here.
But i wouldn't want to disturb the other patients haha

I'm going to have my last chemo session (through IV) today! In two days, i'll only have my oral chemo to take for the rest of the month and best case scenario, i've completed the chemo cycles i'll need!
I feel ill rn but i'm very excited!
Let's push forward with that indomitable human spirit!!

| >>892697


| Hello!! I wanted to update wveryone!!
I finished my IV chemo and am now currently undergoing the oral chemo one (with the midostaurin meds!!) We are halfway through the last battle g/u/rls and im so pumped for this chapter to end!! I really wanted to thank you all, especially those who still keeps on buying the /u/ playlist or donating ; v ; it means so much to me and frankly i couldnt have done it without your support.

| >>893775 you're doing it! good job!

| >>893775
I'm so fucking proud of you. It's almost over! Let's go!!!

| Thanks for the reminder on the fundraiser album. Was broke at the time, just picked it up.

| >>893904 this is so sweet. Thank you! ;~;
I hope you liked the tunes our artists put together!

>>893779 >>893816 thank you thank you!
The g/u/rls that are lending me their virgin powers are assisting me along the way!!

Update! As usual the chemo is working. My platelet count is literally at 14. If you are in the metro manila area and would like to donate blood, please reach out to me!! The current blood bank supply in the hospital im in is low. ; v ;

| Holup, what's your blood and wya in manila?

| >>895009 im an 0+ in NKTI in quezon city (⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠)
You dont have to be the same bloodtype! We just need to give blood to receive it.

| I wish I could help! I live across the world ;(
I have weird disease-resistant O+ blood. The white blood cells are crazy and I've never gotten sick
If we lived near each other I would drive over for a transfusion after eating a mountain of food
Btw anyone doing direct blood donations to song-chan, eat a steak and drink a monster beforehand. Song-chan needs our energy!
Also, young blood is more cancer -resistant than old blood. It will make her younger too
Steal child blood for her!

| >>896481 you know what?? That's not weird i think that's amazing! You may not be able to donate blood to me but please donate near you if you can. I wish i had that disease-resistant blood though! My white blood cells became too protective and started fighting anything!

Update! My midostaurin session was over yesterday! We're all just waiting for my counts to go up so i can go home. Right now they said my hemoglobin is thin, and i might need a transfusion soon.

| So far i've had 2 blood transfusions! Both platelets that are 4-6 units each. I haven't had a transfusion for red blood but i think i might need it. The problem is the blood bank supply here in my hospital is running low. You can't just pay for blood. Blood needs to be given in exchange.

If there are still people in the metro manila area who's willing to donate. Please message me! Reach out to me on twitter, please! My username is hiw0shi !!

| UPDATE!! I'm going to get my last BMA operation tomorrow!! Once that's over, i can also get discharged from the hospital on the same day!! AAAA please keep me in your prayers!!Let's hope i'm still on remission and my operation goes smoothly!!!!

| Yes! Good luck tomorrow. It's gonna smoothly, you've got this down.

| >>897445
Last day let's fucking do this!!!

| >>897457 >>897462
I'll have another check up in two weeks
But im just aaa thank youu

| >>897693




| G/u/rls it went so well! I almost didn't feel the majority of it! Next week, we'll be able to know if i'm still in remission. I want to hug all of you!!

| Enjoy being home ~♡

| >>897817 thank you!! We just arrived and i feel like i can really rest my bones here!
I sincerely hope everyone is doing well.
Please drink water and stay safe. Also stay healthy!! Don't be like me lol

| I hope it'll stay away from you, song-chan!
Stay safe!

| Just wanted to say: Your Kroxldyphivc song lives rent-free in my head still. Hope you're doing well so far <3

| Update!! I'm getting my BMA results and an updated blood test tomorrow! Also a check up with my doctor on what to do next with my treatments since i couldn't go through with the transplant. Please pray that i'm still on remission!! Aaaa i just want to be normal again.

| >>899512 aaa thank you! I'm so happy people still listen to the old thread. I'm trying to look for the second song chan thread because there are also tracks there that i want to clean but i couldn't find them. :( If any of you g/u/rls have the link to the previous song threads, lmk!!

I also have a microphone now! The wire's grounded so the new cable is on its way.
I'm thinking of doing a 3rd song thread that i'll actually do since i have the time now! What do u g/u/rls think?

| >>899793 Do it, yes! We'll find the most atrocious words for you to sing about ♡

| Update!! Hey g/u/rls! I'm still on remission!! Aaaa my consolidation chemo is now over but i still have oral chemo i need to take for a year. (it's midostaurin!!) Although i'm happy that i don't need to get confined at the hospital anymore, midostaurin's side effects is still crazy.

I get this terrible headache that i need to sleep off (and this is WITH pre-meds) which means i still can't keep a job because i have to drink 4 capsules per day, every month, for a year.

| The cost of my midostaurin meds is around 1700 usd per month because we still get it from india. An average wage for an employee here is around 300 usd per month. I'm honestly going insane lol the government can no longer help us since this is private medication.

I'm grateful that i'm here and im so grateful for all of you but it just doesn't seem to end. It's really stressing me out.

| I really hate asking this but any donation helps! It's just impossible for us to earn that amount every month. I do art, too! Please commission me if you're able to.
I can (AND WILL) draw anything as long as it isn't discriminatory or offensive to others!
Thank you so much!

This is where i post finished commissions and where i accept requests:


| >>899908 lol i can't wait! It arrives later this month ; u ;

| >>900378
You g/u/rls heard her! Hand over your money to Song-chan! Commission Song-chan! Sell your home and give it to Song-chan!

| >>900384 nooo aaa pls dont word it that way omg haha now i feel embarrassed...

There is also a free way to support. I have a youtube channel where i post songs and covers. T-T please consider subbing if you like my stuff! Monetisation in youtube starts at 1k subs!! I know i have a long way to go... But what other day to start than now (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)


| >>900425
You heard her!!! Broke g/u/rls can contribute by running up those numbers!!! The g/u/rls with money (money that better be on Song-chans account soon) go run it up too!!! It's free, fun and helps your favourite g/u/rl out!!!
So get to it!!! This is an order!!!

| Subscriber #100, right here

| >>900550 yes!!! Thank you!!!! I wanted to know who that was. Glad it was a g/u/rl ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽

Do you have a song request?? My microphone arrived later this month ❤️

| Arrives*

| >>901050 Maps.

| >>901131 Not a specific song, just a word prompt

| horny people pay money
Make a thread on /d/
Shameless doujin lines
charge $$$ per word

| >>901133 i can do that!

>>902236 like shameless doujin lines that i will sing to them??

| >>902236

| >>902248
U can sing it if u wan
But just read is ok
Examples: Banners on /d/
Read and say "you like? Pay up for more, perverts!" to /d/
/d/ giv more shameless doujin lines + munnies
Others goes "Oh noes, Ur innocent, song chan, I giv munnies instead, stop saying things like dat"
U milk both sides

| >>902406 haha that's a funny idea but i wouldn't want to do that to the cool people of /u/! :)

Update! I had an ECG test and my heart is doing ok! Also my blood counts are still pretty normal. :) I think my doctor will continue to push through with the oral chemo since my body is handling it okay (so far)!! I guess what i'm only stressing out is the medication since it needs to be maintained but it's so hard to get. :/

| >>909667 It's impressive enough that you've managed to push through all of this despite the hurdles and setbacks. Keep it up~ <3

| >>912141 thank you!! I got to fight!
Im not gonna let the virgin powers given by the g/u/rls go to waste!

Update! Went to the doctor yesterday. She looked at my tests and went "ok!" She said i was handling the medications well! My appointment lasted 12 minutes lol

But i'm still stuck at home. It's going to be a long battle. In the meantime, i made a new /mu/ thread to focus on! Still working on the word "maps" but just wanted to let you g/u/rls know!

I hope you're all well!!

| >>926194 Ganbarimasu songchan

| >>926683 thank you!

Update: my doctor promoted me from weekly visits, to monthly visits! Which is great which means the oral chemo is going well and my body is responding to it in a good way!

One of our close family friends had breast cancer and died from chemo. It just sunk into me that people really die from chemotherapy. I'm just grateful to be here still, alive.

Keep the people you love close to you, g/u/rls!! Please try to appreciate the little things in life.

| >>928370 keep up the great work g/u/rl! You're perseverance is an inspiration to us all! ( ^.^)/

| Hello g/u/rls! Gonna be brought to the ER right now. Im nervous. Please send me good vibes

| *sends good vibes*

| >>929455 thank you!
It was covid. I dont understand how i got it. Everyone in my family is negative except me and i don't leave the house. Aaaa
It's unfortunate but if anything, i'm just relieved that i didn't relapse back to cancer!

| >>929678 Oh joy>.< Are you doing okay, do you need to stay at the hospital for it?

| >>929678 Animals can get COVID and spread it like the literal plague.
Pets and pests could have spread it to you.

Some foods can carry COVID if not fully cooked. Also, you can test negative but still be sick with it, and then spread it later when it becomes more transmissible.

The distance that you can transmit COVID at is about 20 feet if no protective barriers are in place. It could have been an open window and a neighbor that got you sick.

| >>929836 im ok! I recovered but i feel like i keep coughing occasionally. Also, idk how to say this correctly, but i feel like the air in my lungs isn't enough? Like i need to breathe more? Haha kinda dumb but i have trouble breathing a little bit.

>>931348 i guess it's unavoidable at this point! Houses in the philippines are built so close to each other usually so even if im home alone, as long as the windows are open, then i'm sentenced for failure, ig :(

| >>932634 You've more than earned a reprieve. I hope you're feeling back to normal soon~

| im so happy to hear youre doing well

| Merry Christmas, /u/. Happy holidays everyone! I hope you're all somewhat doing okay. Im just happy i get to greet you g/u/rls this year. :) Sending virtual hugs !

| >>935380
Merry Christmas <3

| >>935380 Merry Christmas g/u/rl!

| Been a while since we heard from you last, Song-chan. Wanted to say that I hope you're doing well, and that I hope you had some good holidays. Always keeping an eye on your youtube channel. Love you, song-chan ♡

| >>936383 thank you!! My holidays went okay. :) I can't celebrate with my family so i had to just say a quick hi to them and isolate afterwards. They were celebrating in the room next to mine. That's enough for now.
Happy 2023, g/u/rls !! I hope you're all well.
My doctor's been saying that i'm doing okay! And if i keep this remission streak for a year, i might not need a bone marrow transplant!
I've also met other patients like me and we're just supporting one another rn!

| I guess the only struggle rn is just keeping up with the medical bills, tbh!! Even though i'm staying at home now, i'm still not allowed to apply for work, and my chemo medicines monthly is super expensive.
It's been really hard to keep up with the cost.. So i'm trying to make ends meet given the situation.

So i've decided to give it a shot in officially becoming a youtube partner !!
I also do art/commissions!!

| If any of you g/u/rls would like to support me for free, this is a great way!

My youtube is: https://youtube.com/@hiw0shi

The goal's to get 1k subs in order to be recognized as a youtube partner. I also need 4k watch hours but i'll think about that later. We're close to 200 subs and i believe we can do this !!

I'm also trying to stream lately.
Would you g/u/rls be interested in that?

| >>938797
You didn't tell me you was streaming! Give me that link rn!!!

| >>938799 hey!! haha here you go!


i'm currently playing raft! it would be great if i can get to talk to you g/u/rls there from time to time! :)

| It's been 1 year since my diagnosis of leukemia and i just wanted to say thank you gurls for being with me!! I'm really happy i stumbled upon this little community of ours. I'm just super grateful for all of you. 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。

| >>939935 keep up the great work song-chan! We love you! ( ^.^)/

| >>939937 thank you ! I hope you g/u/rls are doing well. It's my 4th month of taking midostaurin. 8 more months of remission while taking this cancer drug and hopefully we beat this once and for all (maybe!)!!

I'll be streaming in 30 minutes so for any of the g/u/rls that would like to hang out and talk, please drop by!


| >>939350 I'd love to join your stream, but you usually stteam at very euro-unfriendly times. 2:00am on a weekday is a wee bit late for me

| >>941731 that's too bad!! I find that my stream is usually the best fit for asian timezones and us ones. Im still trying to figure out the best hour :( i should experiment on that

| Btw g/u/rls!! It's my birthday today! Thank you for being with me through all of this! I had a check up last march 6th and the doctor saw my lab results and said 'wonderful!' :D
The midostaurin is still ongoing. 7 months left and we finally claim that sweet sweet victory!
I am honestly so grateful for this community. I want to hug each and everyone of you. I wish i can do that.

| >>945956 Happy Birthday g/u/rl!

| Hello g/u/rls! It has been a while! I am doing ok! Not fully there yet but 6 months left of my oral chemo (: they are looking into extending my oral chemo for more than a year because i'm not viable for a bone marrow transplant. I am screaming inside.

| Hello again!! I'm trying a new thing on twitch called an "Hiw0shi tries.." stream, where i'll stream trying new things that isn't gaming related!
For the very first stream, i decided i'll be playing ukulele and singing some unreleased songs that i've written for you g/u/rls to hear!
It's going to happen Tonight at 7p.m. PDT ( slash PST), so if you have time and nothing to so, please say hi! Will also be taking song requests in the chat!
aaaa how exciting!

| >>950199
I love that

| >>950199 woot! Hyped! I'll try to stop by g/u/rl, thanks for the heads up. Which doctor said you aren't allowed to do bone marrow? I'll steal their bone marrow for you. (๑•̀д•́๑)

| Song-chan is live now!

| >>950233 basically any sane doctor who isn't in it for the money will say that! They aren't saying that i'm not allowed, but more like.. i don't have a full match when it comes to a donor. There are big health risks involved when doing a bmt with a half match so since i'm doing good so far with this route, we are just seeing what happens!

Unfortunately even if you steal their marrow, if i don't match with them, i won't be able to use it (UnU )

| >>950352

IT WENT SO WELL!! THANK YOU FOR THOSE THAT DROPPED BY AND VISITED. I MIGHT DO ANOTHER ONE NEXT WEEK ; v ; it was so nice to just chill and chat with everyone!! I hope you visit in the next stream. I'm close to being an affiliate! (AAAA)

| Ау

| >>950422 it was a lot of fun! Thanks song-chan!

| Lewd stream when?

| >>951619 probably never! :D

>>951396 thank you for coming!! I'll be having a karaoke stream on friday so if you have a song request, feel free to drop by!

| Hello!! Just wanted to update that all is good :D still on remission! my medications will be over on october this year. tbh im afraid of relapsing so i am both relieved and anxious with it happening. hopped on because i don't want ppl to think i died lol i am very much alive !

| Thanks for the update Song-chan! ( ^.^)/

| Song chan best

| Song-chan we love you!!!!!!!!!!

| Song chans streams are so fun

| Song chan is a great fun streamer

| >>964454
So true!!

| >>964454 right on bestie11!1!!

| song chan best!

| :O i've gotta check out one of song chan's streams! just wondering, are there vods available? so glad you're still doing well song-chan :3

| hows your treatment goin? are u better now? also your cover of mac demarco is really good

| >>978910 hello! yes i have vods available but they're only available for 2 weeks :) sometimes, i do personal streams too and i end up deleting the vod right after the stream! Thank u g/u/rls for dropping by and checking out my streams! i play different games and i'm kind of planning to do a music stream too with how i do some song-making process since i'm still locked up at home!

| Hello! Wanted to give u gurls an update! it's been 2 years since we started this fight towards cancer & i wanted to say that we're kicking leukemia's butt! My doctor wants me to extend my meds by nxt yr though.. I'm taking this cancer drug with harsh side effects so i'm still home-bound until this whole thing is over. :(

I keep myself busy with streaming, music & art. I hope you all are doing well! Support is still very much appreciated, & i thank you all for taking me in!

| Do you need blood transfusions still? I have an extra liter of O+ if you need it

| >>1001572 woot woot! Keep up the great work g/u/rl! Thanks for the update - it's always good to hear from you.

| >>1001572 keep at it gurlly, we believe in you :3

| >>1002050 not at the moment but if i relapse then i would need it for sure!
Last year i got to meet and make friends with other people who had the same condition. Everything is still in the experimentation stages tbh which is quite frustrating, so i'm the only one alive out of all us. No choice but to push through.
Your kindness means a lot. Thank you for the offer.

>>1002481 >>1002580
Thank you gurls! We gotta stay strong! I hope all of you are well ; u ;

| Suck-chan is my love!

| If any of you need blood, I’m O-, don’t have any risk factors , and have a car on east coast of USA. Just found this thread, will have to listen. Thank you for posting your songs and everyone being so friendly ^u^

| Hope song-chan is having happy days rn :)

| Will there be a second cassette run? I was too late to the first ;-;

| >>1022202
Can't fully speak for the g/u/rl who made them, but I was involved and from my understanding it was kind of a unique opportunity that allowed for it, so don't think that would be possible sadly. At least not without selling for a way higher price and defeating the purpose of all the profits going to Song-chan du to the personal investment it would require. Sry g/u/rl

| >>1022232 well hell. guess I'll just buy the album and write to my own tape if i want.. it would also help to have a working Walkman before buying more tapes.

| >>1022237
If you do go for that I could probably (assuming she doesn't see this) ask that g/u/rl to send over the files for the cover and that so you could replicate it! Takes some work on your part but probably the closest you can get unless someone is willing to part with their copy (and then no money would go to Song-chan so no point to that)

| >>1022239 yeah, if you dont mind. you need an email or something?

| >>1022316
Oop. Seems like all the files needed for recreating the cassette should be included in the digital version! So, uh, yh! You should have access to everything you need when you buy it



| song-chan updates when?

| Cool, I love the songs!

Total number of posts: 133, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1726767193
