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I want the hot bartender at Va11 hall-a to date me

| By Lana Smithee

Jill you're cute please date me

| No.

| Get in the line, like the rest of us, young lady.

| >>878023 Laughed aloud

| Sorry, she's Boss-sexual

| I wish I was Jill so I could date the ultimate boss Dana Zane

| I want Jill to date her boss

| >>878615 I wish I was Dana so I could date the ultimate bartender Jill Stingray.

| Hey can't you see I'm already first in line here'? Get your ass back in the line

| >>878951 *fucks your mouth*

| Kimberly is hotter

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1657118305

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