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I won't be able to post anymore

| Cloudflare makes it basically impossible
If it's not shit ass CF it's dangeru telling me I'm banned for no reason
So that's about it. I can barely post at all it's like playing the lottery and seeing if anything goes through at all. I don't need this shit, I got so much else to put up with already.

I've been posting since 2018 and I'm about to go bye bye I guess.

That's all

| Bye bye

| Bye

| Bye

| By

| bye

| Is it an issue with your connection or something

| >>873439 It's an issue with pref

| Are you sure you're not just being retarded OP?

| >banned for no reason
are you sure about that op

| gg and bye

| >>873460

Spoiler: There's always a reason.

| OP actually died of Ligma. Nice try though

| >>873555 what's ligma?

| >>873556
Ligma is an internet meme, where someone would say "X died of Ligma", prompting someone else to ask them "what's ligma?" which is then answered with "ligma balls", a phrase that when uttered sounded like "lick my balls (testicles)", implying the falling into involuntary sexual domination that is the core of this humor.

| >>873557 ligma balls

| Licking balls is hot

| It's so sad Steve Jobs died of ligma


| >>873623 whats ligma

| >>873629 Steve Jobs

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1655751242

This thread is permanently archived