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How to not be a piece of shit?

| I have the hobby of dissing inefficient peoples.
I think the root cause is I judge peoples from their ability and that's wrong, self correction needed.

| Have sex and have fun.

| cut ur pp off

| >you have made a thread on a degenerate board centered around a game with cute anime girls
>you are reading this reply
>you have not comprehended the Einsteins work on general relativity at age 16. some dude more efficient than you did
>you, of all things with the certainty of death glooming over your daily activities - seek efficiency. oh how she loves your neurotic hurry-scurry ways of giving up your life 30 years too early
there are some stupid slow mfs
you are one too

| Personally I just try to talk less in general, usually if I just wait a few seconds then I don't feel like saying it anymore.

| >>861824
What a polite way to tell OP to STFU. You're a master of civility and mannerliness!

| >>861820


| > I judge peoples from their ability and that's wrong
Can you explain more about that?

| >>861820 this

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1653421173

This thread is permanently archived