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Let's get you mentally healthy

| It takes work. I am sorry. But it's not as hard as you thin it is, I promise. Okay, let's start!

| Mindfulness 101: Recognizing Emotions.

First, why is mindfulness useful? Can you pinpoint the thought that spirals into feelings of hopelessness? Can you recognize the moment you judge yourself in a concersation and feel like a weirdo?


| The overall theory of this exercise is to ACKNOWLEDGE emotions and thoughts and separate them from you. It is very healthy for your mind.

Step 1: Notice
What is one thing you feel? Give it a title - no worries about accuracy, just give it a guess.

Step 2: Observe
Where does the feling show up in your body? Is it pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral? Observe for as long as you want.

| Step 3: Sit
Now try your best to ACCEPT the FEELING, no matter what it is, even if it's ugly or unfair. Let go of judgement and sit with it.


Imporant: Do not identify with the feeling. In other words do this instead, "I am not sad, I am experiencing sadness".

Your emotion ≠ You.

| Step 4: Think Through
What's the story behind this emotion, what thought triggered it? When has this emotion showed up before?

^This will help you notice patterns and spiraling thoughts.

Step 5: Repeat As Necessary.
The more often you name your emotions and see them as temporary, the less they will control you.

Good luck, g/u/rl! If anyone is struggling with this practice,try starting these conversations with yourself and loved ones at meals. It’s a natural check in!

| This is a good thread!

I'd say repeat as often as possible, not as necessary. The real power in mindfulness comes from building up a reference database of You! It's worth remembering that developing the mental skills is like going to the gym, it takes consistency, trial and error, learning and time.

| This! Mindfulness is super important skill to have and helps lots with getting mentally healthy!
Thank you for bringing the wholesome knowledge to all g/u/rls!

| Well said OP. I'm a lucky g/u/rl that almost never had any kind of mental distress, and it comes to me naturally to feel and think like the steps you wrote.
Good luck to every g/u/rl!
Keep it up with the emotional and logical training g/u/rls, it's pretty good to be mentally strong and resilient.

| But what do you do if the emotions that bubble up are made manifest by circumstances outside of your control? I feel angry sad and hopeless. Acknowledging and understanding the root of those feelings doesn't improve my situation. I try so desperately to escape to greener fields, but I'm chained down with no bolt cutters to break free.

I am insightful to the point where apathy becomes attractive. Otherwise it's endless suffering. I am cursed. True Nihilism will take me before long.

| >>826049
You're skipping step 3, honey.

| >>826150 I don't understand what you mean, and I can't tell if that's because I've explained myself poorly or because you've dismissed my issue.

I view my emotions as raindrops and thunderclaps on a stormy day that never ends. I can't control the weather, because the weather is not of me. I accept this, yet my acceptance cannot keep me warm, dry, or safe. If I had an umbrella or a place to seek shelter, this wouldn't be a problem. My only peace lies in apathy, but apathy is death.

| I apologize. I need to leave. I didn't mean to shit up your positive thread. I hope everyone can find happiness. Thank you for trying.

| >>5c8c8d

| >>5c8c8d

| Cringe?

| Just read it. Yeah its crine

| Cringe* fuck...

| >>826327 >>826639 >>826648
no, YOU'RE cringe!

thanks for the advice OP. it helped me out today.

| >>826671
That’s music to my ears. I’m glad you tried it! I appreciate you taking the time out to express it, too.

| Thank you. I've never really been good at processing my own emotions.

| This mindfullness can help a lot, especially in dark times.
Been trying to do this when feeling overwhelmed, otherwise I feel neutral(-ish) and not much bothers me. Appreciate the thread.
Oh, and if you can filter the religious stuff out of it (when/if necessary), reading practices of Yoga and about religions is good for your mental health. They offer a structure to work with.
JBP's rules books do it too and they helped me a lot, though indirectly, in a thought-provokinng manner.

| Those practises have been suprisingly helpful... Why didn't anyone show me this 10 years ago!? I can't thank you enough OP you have truly improved my life.

| I still want to breed Pomu..

| >>828062 Go to horny jail you thirsty Pomu fan g/u/rl. *Bonked*

| >>5c8c8d

Total number of posts: 25, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1643309755

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