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my family hired spy on me

| Not that I can do anthing about it.

| hire a hitman on your spy

| Hire a pyro, they counter spies with their spy-checking flames.


| What are you up to OP? Cheating on your spouse?

| cheating on homework no doubt

| Op, are you in a royal family? Do you plan to organise a coup?

| Happens to me every time.

| Wear extremely over-the-top clothes so that every photo they take of you looks staged.

| next time you see somebody spying on you, turn on something absolutely weird that would make spy feel embarassed to spy on you. i would say gay porn, but your gay parents would be disappointed youre gay

| >>826285 alternative idea: wear something with a slight green tint and stand infront of a lightsource whemever possible. that way it'll look like you've neen greenscreened into the picture

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1642751055

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