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what are the chances for an actual Nanocam App?

| I would fuqing loooooove to have the Empire theme on my phone

| So long i kept that theme.. but in last time i keeps Motif theme, and likes more it.

| >>822264

`Those who miss the Soviet Union have no heart. Those who want it back have no brain`

| >>822266 I think you're in the wrong place, buddy. But appealing to the content of your message.. GTFO sucker

| >>822268 another communist bites the dust

Though, yeah, we should probably keep this in /new/

| >>822268 commie son of a bitch

| im a Communist lol you guy sound malding

| anyways this went sideways so feel free t close it mods sigh guess ill try and figure something out

| Nanocam app but its just Stella

| Who would've though Nano-chan worked for the Communists!!!!

| >>822206
On a more serious note...
I think this'd only really work within the confines of some other apps, e.g. a launcher, an icon pack applier, or one of those live wallpaper customizer things. The latter might be easier than the rest? At that point, all you have to do is supply the user with a handful of skins, leaving them to fiddle with the rest individually.

But, uh, ya know. Effort.

| >>823274
Yeppp Ive seen that really cool theme for KWLP so maybe I should shell out the 8 bucks to learn to build one myself. I just
...have v little confidence in software type stuff

| >>d848fc Now i figured out that you mean "transfer" some skin from "launcher" that made by Nanocam app to phone system skin or make another one by the same app, right?

| >>823015 Be health, comrade!

| >>d848fc Sorry, i should say the next (after, i totally ignore them here)
>>822284 [Kid crying, train going]

| >>823359
Yeah exactly!

| >>823402
Good! If you will try and it would works, i will take a look on this app.

| >>823239 im interested

| I had a KLWP prototype of this on my old phone, I just never made the art for the apps. I'll see if I can recover it. If not I'd be willing to help make icons.

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1641873809

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