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Synopsis of stories you’ve come up with?

| Bored and want to hear some summaries or general ideas some of you may have had for a story etc.

| A woman slowly comes to terms with the fact that she has no interest in people and is instead in love with fluid dynamics.

| Murder investigation on a space freighter to mars, the killer is already dead. Finding out why whilst trying to stifle a cocaine habit with the a overly helpful android PA.

| So my story's about this guy. So this guy he's well he's like an FBI agent but you know he doesn't really work for the "main" FBI and he's got this partner who's new and really cute but she's also a REALLY good agent and they're like assigned to this bizarre case where people are being killed in really strange ways and then like something happens and the girl agent gets kidnapped by the killer.

| Yeah well I haven't quite figured it out yet but like the guy agent notices how the killer seems to everything he's doing like one step ahead of him and then there's this kind of you know weird chase scene and then like we find out that the guy's got two personalities and that he finds out in the end that he's the killer and then that he's kidnapped his own partner!

| Two young insurance corporation employees discover that their boss, Bernie, is dead, after arriving at his house. While attempting to convince people that Bernie is still alive until they can leave to prevent themselves from being falsely suspected for causing his death, they discover that Bernie had ordered their own assassinations to cover up his embezzlement.

This is gonna be a classic guys

| >>820933
the first part sounds very entertaining, the ending could very likely feel awkward unless everything is set up perfectly

good concept though

| >>820933 >>820994
It basically writes itself. I got ideas for a sequel if you're interested?

| >>821032 yes

| Less like a synopsis but more like an idea.
Two harems developing in parallel, where the two main characters of the harems fall in love with eachother. Because of this, the harem members get to know each other and eventually get together. By the end the main characters break up only to find their harem is gone.

| I had an idea for a long comic series about a cop who can't finish his shift because he keeps encountering crime before he gets a chance to take off his uniform so he has to fight the crime without any sleep or rest and basically it elevates further and further until he gets to the bottom of global conspiracies and alien invasions over the course of the first two volumes. In next volumes it gets even quirkier with dimension and time travel and higher entities and stuff.

| P.S.
I have the main story outline written down in a dialogue with my friend so I'll say just in case that if anyone actually feels inspired to try and draw that hmu.

| Psychosis magical girl

| Here it goes:
Suddendly, all of earth is covered in an enormous maze made of indestructible bricks. All of GPS, Satellite systems, and internet, stops working. Radio is working, but is muffled heavily by the thick maze walls.
In this sudden absurd and scary scenario, humans try to survive.

Note: The maze walls can't be climbed to the top, because they are really tall, like 10 kms tall.

I love this thread
>>821104 Amazing (my favourite so far)
>>820917 Sounds so cool potentially
>>820924 I'd check it out!
>>820931 That's one Shutter island level plot twist!
>>820933 Oh yeah, I could see a comedy+thriller come out of this
>>821102 To me it sounds like a poetic, deep-meaning 'heartfelt life' kinda novel.
>>821216 This one has some spooky vibes, I wonder where you can take it.

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1641596430

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