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| Is all cold and shit. It's pretty and stuff, but damn. It novelty wears off when you're born and have lived all your life in a snowy place. So much snow! So much cold!

| I love snow aesthetic! I love in a place where it doesn't snow though. So I was always jealous of places where it snows.

| Snowy places are sooo beautifull

| I just got out of my family countryside house, it was fucking gorgeuos there

| I live at 60 degrees North.
I despise the cold.
And I've honestly grown to dislike people who think "wow, snow is so cool!" and then they live in London or fucking Texas.
It's the climate equivalent of a CoD player glorifying the army.

| You want some cold, buddy? You wanna have a little cheeky freeze all by yourself? How about you walk through a fucking blizzard for an hour because you need to get to work? If you are all "I love winter :)" after that I will actually respect you as the madwoman you are.

| >>810391
I lived a year on the norweigan north-east coast and I loved every minute of it. Sure, it gets cold AF and very windy but it's so beautiful there.

| Never seen snow in my entire life. Here in the tropics it's either sunshine or rain. Not sure if I'm lucky or not.

| >>810391 you think I wanna live in a damn hot ass country? I've been trying to save money to live in the north of canada since I'm an adult.

| >>810391 damn, it is literally me...

| >>810397


| >>9ef210
Let people dream. There are people like this >>810397 g/u/rl out there, who live up to that whole thing. And, I mean, being all angy isn't fun.

Mhh. I think that depends on how you look at things. Because, that definitely means you haven't had to struggle with all the stuff that comes with snow. But, you've also never experienced it at all.

Where exactly? I'm curious.

| >>810505
Henningsvaer. It's an island way up north. I spent the winter and spring there gutting fish back in 2011 and 2012 respectively.

| >>810749
Ah! Never been there myself, but that's cool. It seems like a really nice place.

| >>810835
Ja, the people there were very nice and had a lot of common sense.

| >>811038
Good to hear! A lot of Norwegians are pretty, reserved? Is that the right word? Basically, we don't tend to get in the way much, and are generally pretty friendly if interacted with.
I'm glad that pays off!

| >>811064
Yeah I think that's true. I really liked the people I worked with. I think Norwegians are a little bit more open and more in touch with their inner selves than us Swedes. At least that's the impression I got from my limited time there.

| >>811716
Well, at least that far out. The islands definitely seem to be like that. Little less of it here in the city, but you still see it. Can't say I've been in Sweden enough that I can compare it though.

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1639063706

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