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How the fuck it is 2022 in a couple of weeks

| How??? Why????

| Such is the fast flow of time, traveler.
Maybe tomorrow we'll blink and we'll look ourselves surrounded by cyborgs and technology that would be considered as magic not long ago.

| Glad im not the only one who feels like this. Hopefully 2022 will be slower and exciting

| >>809848 because 2020 is ending in a month. it's really quite simple.

| >>809906

| >>809906 eh? But it's 2019 that is ending in a week right? It can't be 3 years after 2019 right? Ima bout to lose my mind


| It's surreal that in like 4 months it's gonna be the start of the whole covid situation

| Time passes by sooo fast. I still don't remember past 2019. It sucks more to know that it was supposed to be best years of my youth. What a waste i am.

| >>810091
Two fucking years! Two fucking years of this bullshit and I just want it to stop.

| >>810179 it'll never go away completely. Coronaviruses mutate too rapidly to be eradicated. That's why the flu's still around too.

| Yeah, it's really weird. I'm not a big fan of it. But, ay! I've got big plans next year that are close to guaranteed to happen regardless of if it's still like this, so, fuck time!

| >>810091 I'm still recovering from the mental impact of the first anniversary (´o ⌒ o`)

| >>810192
I don't care if I get ill anymore, I want normality!

| >>810192
Yeah, I know but that's acceptable if we manage to end the actual pandemic. Despite being doubly vaccinated I'm still too nervous to go to the gym and concerts etc.

| It's not, it's in three and a half weeks. Simple math

| Why did I even take that fucking vaccine

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1638890103

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